Eckhart Tolle - who am I ? - chapter 3 ultimate truth of who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I Am.

Equating the physical sense-perceived body with “I,” the body that is destined to grow old, wither, and die, always leads to suffering sooner or later. To refrain from identifying with the body doesn’t mean that you neglect, despise, or no longer care for it. If it is strong, beautiful, or vigorous, you can equate the body with who you are, when beauty fades, vigor diminishes, or the body becomes incapacitated, this will not affect your sense of worth or identity in any way. In fact, as the body begins to weaken, the formless dimension, the light of consciousness, can shine more easily through the fading form.

Ego rises when your sense of Beingness, of “I Am,” which is formless consciousness, gets mixed up with form. This is the meaning of identification. This is forgetfullness of Being, the primary error, the illusion of absolute separateness that turns reality into a nightmare.

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Eckhart Tolle - the power of the present moment - chapter 2 ego’s greatest enemy is the present moment, which is to say, life itself.

Time is seen as the endless succession of moments, some “ good,” some “bad”. Yet, if you look more closely, that is to say, through your own immediate experience, you find that there are not many moments at all. You discover that there is only ever this moment. Life is always now. Your entire life unfolds in this constant Now. Even past and future moments only exist when you remember or anticipate them, and you do so by thinking about them in the only moment there is: this one.

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Eckhart Tolle - Oneness with all life - chapter 1 BEYOND THOUGHT
Thinking is no more than a tiny aspect of the totality of consciousness, the totality of who you are.

What is arising now is not new belief system, a new religion, spiritual ideology, or mythology. We are coming to the end not only of mythologies but also of ideologies and belief systems. The change goes deeper than the content of your mind, deeper than your thoughts. In fact, at the heart of the new consciousness lies the transcendence of thought, the newfound ağabeylity of rising above thought, of realizing a dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.

You then no longer derive your identity, your sense of who you are, from the incessant stream of thinking that in the old consciousness you take to be yourself. What a liberation to realize that the “ voice in my head” is not who I am.

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The Fundamentals of New Spiritualism Dr. Bedri Ruhselman

With absolutely no doubt or hesitation, and with all my being, I believe in the following truths which I have compiled under the name of New-Spiritualism:

1. There is a God who is the creator of the universe.

2. God is absolute, and no other being, no other concept, can be brought into comparison with God.

3. Understanding and perceiving God is not within the capacity of any living creature.

4. God is the sole ideal for living beings. Thus, to try to adapt all their feelings, thoughts and actions to the Laws of Divine Will and the requirements of those laws, is the aim of all living beings.

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*God is without names and attributes. He possesses absolute power. Attributes, defining things and man relatively, can be applied not to the Creator but to the created.

* God is above simile or comparison, as anything that can be compared or analyzed in relation to something else is incomplete in that it lacks some of the characteristics of the other. Therefore God resembles none but Himself alone.

* God can be influenced by nothing, and is unchanging. All created beings are bound by His laws. There is no creature that contains so much as a particle of Him; thus the totality of the creation cannot be said to amount to God. God is in a state of absolute tranquility, balance, motionlessness and perfection.

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