What You Have Lived and Your Experiences

Sheldan Nidle - December 23, 2014

http://dunyaana.com/images/adana47-b.jpg5 Eb, 10 Mol, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come on this day with good news! Your blessings continue to move forward. Those who long delayed the distributing of funds are either arrested or under the threat of arrest. A unique system of distribution has been tested and found to be successful. Before the end of this Gregorian year many of you are to receive these blessings. We wish to thank our Earth allies for fully cooperating with us. It is essential that at least proof of something positive needs to be done. The present time is as good as any to do this. We have discovered over the past year just how devious those in power truly are. In accordance with this fact, a number of things are to be done. We have instructed our earthly allies to implement a series of programs to free your blessings from these scalawags. A series of important meetings by our ambassadors with these de facto governments have created an atmosphere in which our allies can move to arrest, and change the policies of certain major banks. These new policies are in the process of being implemented even as we tell you this. We fully expect major arrests and even the implantation of NESARA to follow shortly.

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Montague Keen - December 7, 2014

http://www.dunyaana.com/images/adana60-c.jpgYou are getting closer to your goal each day, as the corrupt and their corrupt practices are revealed. You can be in no doubt now about those who have held humankind in slavery. They are doing their utmost to hoodwink you so that you continue to serve them. The power they possess is what they have taken from you.

You are at the crossroads. You have to make a choice: slavery or freedom? They see you as "Useless Eaters" [Henry Kissinger]. They despise you; as to them, you are there only to serve them. Everything they have, they have taken from you, and you allowed them to do so.

The awakened Irish are taking to the streets on the 10 December. Listen to their call, it's straight from the heart . . .

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There Are No Coincidences

Every action you make, creates a ripple in the universe. You unconsciously telegraph your thoughts to others. Synchronicity is the law of unity. We are all linked. There is no separation between you and anyone or anything. We are all connected.


Every coincidence has a message for you.

Everything, past, present and future is linked. All coincidences have meaning. We are all synchronized. Any movement no matter how small is eventually felt by us all. Have you noticed that when you are ready to receive something you normally do? Have you ever had a perfect day, where everything went just right? People and things just appeared at exactly the right moment? That’s synchronicity. If you arrived a few seconds earlier or later things would not have turned out the same. You were in the right place at the right time. It wasn’t luck or chance. You were in perfect harmony with everything.

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Montague Keen - February 16, 2014

http://www.dunyaana.com/images/adana6-c.jpgA Nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

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Montague Keen - November 3, 2013 - attachment

http://www.dunyaana.com/images/crc74k.jpgDear friends,
At the moment, Veronica Keen is in a difficult situation. Please read her message below. You can help her by making a donation through the Donate button. If you don't have the means to help financially, maybe you can add her in your prayers and send her love and light. Positive energy always finds its way.
Thanks! - Kees, GalacticChannelings.com

Veronica Keen:

"Life is not easy right now, I am without a car. A bus crashed into my 12 year old car while it was parked and wrote it off. I am facing many blockages as I try to replace it. I am dependent on others to help me find one. I cannot get to the shops. I have heart and lung failure, I cannot walk up the Hill. I would be extremely grateful for any assistance in this matter. Your good wishes and prayers would be most helpful.
Thank you, Veronica ."


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